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old Global Human Unification

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It's time to change the world. The Venus Project

A new vision of the world.

"If you think we can`t change the world, it just means you`re not one of those who will."

- Jacque Fresco

old Re: Global Human Unification

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No thanks, Stranded III will unite us all. When we eat plums and poo together in modern PBR lighting and above 50fps, that's when world peace will be upon us.

old Re: Global Human Unification

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user Seekay has written
No thanks, Stranded III will unite us all. When we eat plums and poo together in modern PBR lighting and above 50fps, that's when world peace will be upon us.

That is possible. It will be multiplayer, after all. I rue the day that something like this becomes lore though.

user SANTER: You got it all wrong. Turns out covid doesn't make zombies, unfortunately. It would be cool though.

user JonyFrosta: Seems to me that the venus project is not going anywhere. Why? It lacks a comprehensive approach. It's more, well... "The latest and greatest instant utopia! Just add tech! And hype! And take currency out of the question when it's been used for thousands of years (because it is simple and works and even Communism*, basically the arch nemesis of Capitalism, used it) so we can artificially impose much more inefficient systems of resource allocation! No need for incentives either, people like subordinating themselves to the greater good (as evidenced by our perfectly peaceful and altruistic history)!"

Yeah, but actually no, they don't seem to actually have the ability to do much besides hype up futurists. No actual strategy or road map to implementation, no significant practical considerations as of yet. It's as if they came up with this concept without considering any actual implementation.

And I know of, and am interested in, all of these things for one primary reason: I am working on a book intended to inspire a movement with somewhat similar end goals in mind: a better future. The difference here is that the contents of my book is less of a futurist circle jerk and more of a multi-layered strategic and systems-based approach, using existing and proven methods when they suffice to serve their purpose adequately, along with calculated and strategic Innovations and concepts all intended to serve a useful and valid purpose.

People can make all the hype they want, but if they ignore basic practical logic and good practice their chance of achieving anything hovers around zero.

There needs to be skill, perspective, understanding, dedication, wisdom, a bit of historical research, knowledge on past and present economic systems, an understanding of the risks at stake if things go wrong, social intuition, and I could keep going on because I'm just getting started, but you get the picture.

I'm not saying a utopian society is impossible, as such is the goal of my own book. I'm saying that it's impossible if people only focus on the utopian aspects and not on the necessary and practical requirements for a society, and/or if people focus on change for the sake of change, and/or if they go in without knowing much about how the current system itself works to begin with, or if they only focus on one or two aspects while ignoring the vast array of other factors in economic, social, and political systems and dynamics.

As they say, it's work before play. Things must be done thoroughly, and they should also be done without unnecessary complexity. I have spent several months writing a book and came up with solutions the likes of which the venus project will never come close to matching; of that I am absolutely certain. I pointed out exactly what the problems are in the current system in stark detail. I considered every different perspective, angle, and approach I could think of. I considered implementation strategy. Meanwhile the venus project just tends to promote technology like it's some distinct and miraculous cure to everything, like it has properties that make it turn bullshit into gold, which is what the whole project smells like to me.

Technology without good, thorough, or realistic ideas is like... Capitalism. With compliments to classic liberalism.
Let’s not repeat historical mistakes like that again.

My conclusion? The venus project is inadequate it too many ways to count.

And also, you can join my discord server, which has me and five others as of the writing of this, and/or read my partially complete book, if you wish to be enlightened on the value of actually feasible solutions, and to assess the validity of my own claims for yourself. Here are links to both of them:

You'll probably learn quite a lot from them.

*The Soviet Union specifically. That said, they had once tried to phase out money and it ended badly. It was kind of funny and a bit bizarre because they all had to re-learn the reason people use money to begin with. Also Lenin was incompetent during the whole fiasco and people starved to death during this.

Also, I got a quote for you:
Things are the way they are because they are the way they are, and things are only changed by those with the capacity to change things.

-user ModJuicer

old Re: Global Human Unification

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@user ModJuicer: As far as I understand, you haven't studied the Venus Project. There is a plan on the site itself.

It is foolish to equate utopia with the Venus project. Let's say if this were the case, then what is the problem striving for this utopia? After all, the whole essence of the world is change, there is nothing stable in the world except the change itself.

Now we have all the technologies to realize a better future. Why everything stops on morality/ethics. (Example with AI)

In any case, what you wrote doesn't matter, it's all empty words. If you understood the project better, what it offers, you would understand that everything stops on the person himself.

If you have specific questions about the project, ask them.

old Re: Global Human Unification

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user JonyFrosta: Thanks. I do have a few questions. A bit more than a few i guess, but I digress.

What is the Venus project's plan for implementation? What is their approach to political strategy? What spheres of society does it account for? How do they plan to gain widespread support? Who started it, what is their socioeconomic status, and how may that effect the ongoing development of the project? How will resources be allocated without the use of currency? How does this project differ from those of the past? What are the requirements for people who would be living in a society formed by the venus project? How is ongoing progress incentivized? To what extent have the systems that this project would rely on been formalized? What is the rationale behind the project? How does it aim to achieve its goals with technology? What is their timeline, if they have one? Is current technology sufficiently developed that it is able to perform the necessary roles that would be required of it within this project?

Also, offer some more details, because I think I do lack a bit of perspective on this project. Just, give a general idea of how it is intended to work, and cover any debunking material necessary to quell my doubts.

All that said, I don't have anything against social progress, most evidently because if I did I would not have written an entire (unfinished as of yet) book on the subject. Also, yes the venus project shows promise. I have fairly high expectations, so I may have been a bit harsh on it, but don't take it personal. I happen to be quite dedicated on my own works, and am obviously biased on favor of them, though not entirely without reason to be simply due to the pragmatic nature of my approach.

I have a proposition. You visit my discord server (link shown in my last post) and we discuss both the venus project and my project. It would open both of our horizons and it would simply be an interesting conversation to have. I am absolutely sure that the venus project has merit, as otherwise it would not have any success at all. I would like to go for a deeper analysis on the likelihood of it succeeding, the merits it has, and the potential blind spots or hubris that should be addressed, and could presumably be addressed, depending on how easily the project's administrators can be contacted.

Make no mistake, I am not against any movement to better humanity. We need all we can get. That includes criticism, but primarily valid criticism, which I can not guarantee all of mine was previous, and if so you will have to set me straight.

Hope to see you in the server.


old Re: Global Human Unification

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@user JonyFrosta There is absolutely no way to change this world until we believe in God.

And when I say 'believe,' I don't mean the normal understanding of the average individual who thinks it's just about praying and crying. Yes, praying is required, and acknowledging our true position prevents our ego from taking over. However, we must also think rationally and be smart.

God gifted us with brains and hearts for a reason. He obviously wants you to be a smart man. We're naturally curious creatures, always yearning to learn and discover.

So, what do we understand from all this? We can comprehend that, besides praying and being a good human and truly believing in God, it's also important to be strong and smart person. If you don't possess these qualities, you will never be a true believer.

To truly believe in God, ask yourself why you can't feel or believe in Him. We need to break this down and solve the puzzle using our brains. Remember, I'm telling you this because the only way to repair the world is to fix our beliefs first.

Reason 1: Widespread atheistic theories, such as: Globe Earth Theory, Atoms Theory, and Cells Theory.
Reason 2: Bad habits such as smoking and drinking, being lazy and staying at home for a long time.
Reason 3: Families falling apart with the younger generation losing interest in marriage.
Reason 4: Governments, driven by Atheistic-Jewish agendas, limiting faith to specific locations and structures, as if God exists only inside these buildings

I've given you a starting point; take it from here and you will truly change the world. Don't buy into any "change-the-world" spiel without real religious backing.

old Re: Global Human Unification

Super User Off Offline

user khaled1968: Atheism seems like a dog-whistle term that can just be ascribed to everything. Those theories are scientific theories, not Atheistic theories. The difference is stark.

Atheism is the belief that there is no God. It is a philosophical standpoint where people believe God doesn't exist. Technically all newborns are Atheist but they also don't know anything at all so take with that what you will.

Science is predominantly based on following the scientific method. It is a process. The scientific method involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and forming conclusions based on evidence. Newborns are not capable of scientific thought like they are with Atheistic thought. It requires knowing of and following procedures, where as Atheism requires the absence of a belief in God.

Needless to say, one cannot come up with theories through principles of Atheism, at least not alone. If one were to do so they would make no sense at all.

On your next point, reason 2 and 3 can be attributed to the lack of God, but only by saying that God created Capitalism as a punishment for our lack of belief in him, which... you can go ahead and believe what you want. Primarily the issue is Capitalism regardless.

Reason 1 seems to imply that humanity is not furthered by scientific progress, which has been scientifically disproven (i.e. using the above stated processes and procedures). However, circular references aside, I don't see much reason for us to throw away things that people dedicated much of their time and effort to figure out.

Reason 4 is based on the premise that God exists to begin with, which can neither be scientifically proven or disproven. It really just depends on the person whether it is held true, which is the same for a lot of things, like opinions, but whether those can be unanimously declared as true is speculative.

It is unfalsifiable, and unfalsifiability in itself tends to imply a lack of credibility of an idea or theory. However, I am stuck on a question here. If God exists why aren't people born from the very beginning to believe in God? Why do they have to be enculturated into this belief, and told over and over that he exists by everyone they know, in order to believe it? In places where this doesn't happen people don't believe in God. Why is that? Just some thoughts for you to consider.

It would be wise to consider them well. You're fairly intelligent when you dedicate yourself to something, from my own observation, and I trust your overall intellectual ability, so I think you will find good answers to this yourself.

Would love to believe eternal life is in store, for sure, and I get the draw, and why it is an attractive belief, but I am cautious on this myself, and have had to make sure to consider other possibilities as well.

user JonyFrosta:Oops I just realized... asking that many questions in one go is kinda... sophistry. Not good/ fair argument, primarily because it is hard to counter and it's far easier to ask than to answer. Will try to figure out more of this on my own and ask the questions which remain.


Okay, I read more up on it, and while I still see a few flaws in the approach, it is fairly solid as an overall system.

I like the approach used to create this system. It's got a lot of strong points, and the confidence and intelligence of Jacque Fresco is evident in the nature of the project itself. He actually has many ideas which are similar in nature to my own, and even the way the explanations are written and presented feel eerily similar to my own style. Also, he shares a very similar perspective to my own.


That is where the good part ends and the problems begin.

Don't get me wrong, I am genuinely impressed by the project.

But some of this should be taken into consideration.

The most immediately noticeable thing that struck me was the lack of online presence. Sure, they have a Twitter account, but that's basically a prerequisite nowadays. Much of the online activity on forums is spearheaded by fans of the concept, and is entirely disconnected from the Venus Project itself.
I haven't spent a dime on my concepts so far, and I already have a discord server with half a dozen people who can talk directly to me, which will only grow with time, while I can't even find a single channel of communication with people directly involved in the project. Also, there seems to be a significant amount of ambiguity regarding many things about the project, like its popularity, funding, status, current hurdles, and so on. It's, in a large part, inaccessible. Now, it being inaccessible will lead people to feel distanced from the concept itself and will subconsciously make it seem less attainable, which is a big mistake, but an understandable and not really uncommon mistake to make.

Aside from that, the removal of currency in and of itself is problematic. I considered it myself once, and of my own reasoning realized what a big mistake it would be to make. It removes an entire dimension from the economy, one which has seen significant innovation, especially recently, and one which people are accustomed to. Also, consider the panic of those who hear of this and immediately assume that this is out to take their money. It ain't a good look, and it's pointless because currency can actually be managed quite well, especially with a project as ambitious as the venus project. It isn't a hindrance, it's a valuable tool. And it's being discarded by the project without a sufficient replacement being considered.

Now let's discuss political strategy. It isn't there. Sure, they may release promotional works and materials, but it stops there. In other words, no strategy. That is something that simply cannot be reconciled. There must be political strategy to achieve success. I simply do not see one. They don't talk about one. This is an area that seems to be missing entirely from the plan. This may be the biggest weakness of the project in itself.

Now let's discuss incentives systems. They are mentioned, and the discussion ends there. 1 out of 5 stars in that area. Note that I actually do discuss incentives systems in my own works, and in fact they are one of the highlights of it. It really disappointed me that this was missing. I was hopeful, given the lack of currency, that there would be a good incentive system, only to find that this was entirely absent as well, besides the indication that one would exist.

Also, I noticed that much of the project was focused on the ends rather than the means. This is not surprising, as it is a human tendency, but it is a problem. The means determine the success of the ends, as well as the nature of their manifestation. This is a general deficiency of the project.

There are also some more problems I could list, but I refuse to further elaborate beyond the extent I already have, as this is more than enough and I don't want to be too much of a downer.

Also, dspite these flaws, it touches on some points I did not consider in my works. These I may perhaps borrow and further develop, as I tend to do often (which you will find out quickly if you ask anyone around here how I developed Stranded II Enhanced), and integrate that with what I already have. This will serve to further the ambitions of the project itself, albeit through a separate project using different means.

All in all, it was an interesting journey of discovery and I left with more than I went in with, so thanks for sharing this with us.

Also, what were your favorite highlights of the project? What do you think are some of your favorite innovations?

Personally I liked the concept of cybernating systems.
edited 8×, last 21.08.23 08:14:11 am

old Re: Global Human Unification

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Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm not looking to turn this into an aggressive argument or a fight. After all, it's just the internet. I'm writing everything I'm writing now because the truth must be said no matter what.

So I really hope no one gets angry with me for mentioning things that some might see as racist or conspiracy theories. I'm not racist nor a conspiracy theorist; I'm just a Muslim. Nothing I'm saying is about personal matters or pure hatred. It's all about revealing the truth and establishing proof.

user ModJuicer has written
Atheism is the belief that there is no God. It is a philosophical standpoint where people believe God doesn't exist. Technically all newborns are Atheist but they also don't know anything at all so take with that what you will.

Whenever the kid becomes able to think on his own, he will instantly be a believer. You might not notice it because they go to schools where atheistic ideas are put in their heads

Atheism didn't just come out of nowhere. The Jews designed it. They needed a weapon to use against other civilizations. It was a coward but a smart tactic. So the claim that atheism is natural behavior is not true. Yes, sometimes you might have doubts about God's existence, but you won't ever become atheist without a solid ground to stand on. That's where the Jews and their puppets started creating atheistic theories in name of science to handle this problem.

user ModJuicer has written
Science is predominantly based on following the scientific method. It is a process. The scientific method involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and forming conclusions based on evidence.

Correct. Science is based on observation, experimentation, and recording data. However, this isn't the case with the Globe Earth, Atoms, Cells, etc. These are all philosophical ideas that were put forward by Freemasons (aka Jews) to counter Christianity. Later, they started supporting these ideas with math and whatever else they could in the name of science.

user ModJuicer has written
On your next point, reason 2 and 3 can be attributed to the lack of God, but only by saying that God created Capitalism as a punishment for our lack of belief in him, which... you can go ahead and believe what you want. Primarily the issue is Capitalism regardless.

It's funny because I don't know what 'Capitalism' even means. I'm not really into these terms that Europeans/Americans often use to describe the world. But buddy, I'm telling you, if it's not God's way, then you're already lost.

user ModJuicer has written
Reason 1 seems to imply that humanity is not furthered by scientific progress, which has been scientifically disproven (i.e. using the above stated processes and procedures). However, circular references aside, I don't see much reason for us to throw away things that people dedicated much of their time and effort to figure out.

I can give you quotes from their mouths admitting that the Globe Earth theory (for example) is an atheistic theory and against God. In fact, I remember doing that last time, so there is no need. I might also have some quotes about Cell theory and Atom theory where philosophers and so-called 'scientists' admit that they're atheistic theories too. I don't know actually; I need to search my archive.

user ModJuicer has written
Reason 4 is based on the premise that God exists to begin with, which can neither be scientifically proven or disproven. It really just depends on the person whether it is held true, which is the same for a lot of things, like opinions, but whether those can be unanimously declared as true is speculative.

Yeah, God exists, unfortunately for atheists, and because He does, I will fight to the death defending Him, and defending Him requires me to get rid of the idea that God can only be found inside religious buildings from people's minds.

God is not an idea, not an opinion, and not a philosophical Jewish theory. God is simply God, nothing more. Get rid of the stupid bullshit in your mind that prevents you from thinking about God in the right way. Remove those schoolish, acadimish, univertish terms from your mind.

user ModJuicer has written
However, I am stuck on a question here. If God exists why aren't people born from the very beginning to believe in God? Why do they have to be enculturated into this belief, and told over and over that he exists by everyone they know, in order to believe it? In places where this doesn't happen people don't believe in God. Why is that? Just some thoughts for you to consider.

You may not like the answer, but I will answer you anyway because this is the truth and there's nothing to be ashamed or scared of telling.

God does what He wants. He can punish, take lives, and cause pain, and no one can hold Him accountable. But God has forbidden injustice to Himself. So He is a merciful God.

He clearly described that he created you to worship him. Why does he need us to worship him? It's just how it is; no further answers for this part. And as a reward for this, he will grant you heaven. Why does he do all this? What's it all for? As I said, it's just how it is, and it's actually a fair deal. Being a good, believing person your whole life and then entering heaven sounds really good.

But, as easy as this sounds, it's actually not. We can see many people disbelieving in God. There's nothing to worry about for me personally, because I'm not joining the losing team. Much respect, but fuck off y'all. I won't risk anything to hear or believe in some stupid Freemason Jewish bastard telling me that life is created from cells and atoms, and the earth is a globe, and that's why we don't need God. Just fuck off please.

As for your question about 'why do we need someone to tell us always that God exists?', that's because humans can lose their way, so I don't know why this would be annoying to you. It's actually really wonderful having good people who keep reminding you of God.

user ModJuicer has written
Would love to believe eternal life is in store, for sure, and I get the draw, and why it is an attractive belief, but I am cautious on this myself, and have had to make sure to consider other possibilities as well.

It's really sad seeing you deal with such stuff using jokes and 'possibilities'. There are no possibilities, buddy. They lied to you, and you believed their lie. Simple as that.

Judaism and Christianity are religions of God; they were just different legislations/guidelines for different ancient times. We are now in a time when Islam is present. Follow Islam, and you'll be rewarded with heaven; disbelieve in Islam, and hell awaits.

Some might find this hard to believe, especially nowadays when many atheists mock religion and make people not listen to religious people, but it's true. Ask any honest specialist in this matter, and he will tell you the same thing I'm telling you right now. Anyone who believes in this never gets back to where they were, because it's the truth. Once you realize it, you can't deny it afterward. I was once like you; I believed in all this stuff, then realized it's false and moved on.

So my advice to you is to get these lies out of your mind. Remember that God loves you. It's enough that he hasn't taken your life yet and has given you all this time to get up and stand on your feet again.


I hope I didn't say anything rude in my text that might make you dislike me. I want to remind everyone that English isn't my first language, so sometimes I can't express myself well. I might use words that some people find offensive or inappropriate, and I apologize if that's the case.

@user ModJuicer: This is my simple message for people who've lost their way like you. Take care, and remember to always use your brain and heart. √
edited 1×, last 21.08.23 07:24:49 am

old Re: Global Human Unification

Super User Off Offline

user khaled1968: Oh boy fun fun. Where do I begin?

You tell me that we cannot scientifically measure the curvature of the earth when a bunch of French people managed to do it several hundred years ago? Truth is, and this is not my truth or your truth - this is reality, that with a few simple instruments I can go out and measure it myself. It isn't actually even very hard to scientifically prove, it's just that some people like to claim otherwise for whatever reason. Lack of understanding of how this stuff works, most likely. Probably also a bit too much time spent in the wrong forums.

I forgot how indifferent you are to evidence, to be honest. However, if you want you can measure the curvature of the earth yourself. It isn't rocket science.

Also, I ask this of you. Copy your last post, put it in notepad. Then do ctrl-h to open the replace tool, and replace every word that says "Athiest" with "Muslim" or "Christian". You will find that it still makes complete sense for most of it. Even more so in some areas.

My point? This is just boilerplate mediocrity disguised as valid argument.

I understand you have good intentions, and that you lack confidence in some areas and I get that.

I just don't get how you conflate opinion with truth. You could replace every word that says "truth" with the word "opinion" and what you say would make sense, but it doesn't as it stands.

Also, and I know the value of your character is different than the opinions you hold, but it still kind of irks me to hear the antisemitic (and yes I said it and meant it because it's true. It is what it is and I'm done beating around the bush) and honestly to a large extent anti-human rhetoric you spew. All this "Jews did this, Jews did that" stuff is overused and stale. The Jews didn't do shit. Take a look at what the Nazis did. They did systematic murder of about 9 million Jews because of the rumors about Jews that people took at face value without questioning. Now can you understand why people get a little bent out of shape when you start blaming things on Jews?

This is literally the stuff that was promoted by Adolf Hitler himself, so needless to say it does damage to your reputation and credibility when you say this stuff. You should probably not blame things on Jews unless you want people to get angry or derisive in the future, which I tell you for your own good so you don't get banned in every forum you speak on. I am done trying to convince you otherwise, as you have shown blatant disregard for any evidence shown so far, regardless of its quality. Just don't say this shit though, or people will begin to hate you, and understandably and justifiably so.

Now, let me tell you something. I was Christian, and most still think I am. Why did I leave? Because I was able to see through my false sense of truth into the real truth. It was merely words, passed down through generations, which relied on provably false assumptions of which I discovered myself were false. If the words were put into a book that doesn't turn them into God. They're just words in a book. I could belligerently burn billions of bibles without bringing God's wrath upon myself. The only danger is if I did it in front of a mob of religious people, who would most certainly unleash their wrath.

To further rub salt in the wound, I figured these all out during a sermon without much effort. If I were to reveal that I saw through it, people would pester me with pleas to disregard the obvious and just accept the lies, because they themselves still believed them. That is more or less how I would describe your antics currently.

Let's just say there was the carrot and the stick to motivate me, and I learned the carrot was plastic and the stick was cardboard. I'm trying to tell you about this dumb trick that people played on us, and you insist that the trick is real. That the stick must be a stick, and the carrot must be a carrot. I show you the texture of the carrot, which is visibly plastic, but you refuse to accept it. I show you the cardboard stick, but you instead double down and tell me it is not only just a stick, but a well-crafted switch built for whipping. Eventually I give up and say "fine, enjoy chasing that carrot for the rest of your life" but it really saddens me and disappoints me to see you in such a state.

The thing is, if you already figured out the truth, no amount of lies will make you change your mind. Why would you want to believe lies? They serve no helpful purpose.

Also, don't be telling me atoms don't exist: I wrote a theory myself using my own observations to explain the underlying mechanisms behind how they work. You chose the wrong guy to talk to if you want to make that claim.

And yes we are made of cells. What do you think we would be made of? Our bodies are not big monolithic structures or something because if they were we wouldn't be able to grow and we also wouldn't be able to have organs. So we would be blobs or something if such were the case.

You can see your own cells through a microscope, something I know because I have done so myself. You can as well. All you have to do is buy a powerful enough microscope. Or rent/borrow one if they're above your budget. I recommend it, because cells are actually very interesting to look at.

Hopefully you learned something today. I sure did, and it has to do with two things: overestimation and your intelligence. You can guess yourself what it is that I learned, but I'll give you a hint: It was a disappointing discovery for me.

user JonyFrosta: Don't mind the religious fundamentalist in the chat. Sorry this had to go down in the thread you started. I would like to continue to discuss the Venus Project though, and maybe you could show some links or talk about it or perhaps join my discord server for more convenient conversation. I have a feeling you will find the server very interesting if the Venus Project appeals to you.

Let me tell you, you ain't seen nothing yet.

There's some serious planning, strategizing, and engineering going on in that server. You would like it.

And I'll repost the links:
Discord server:

Also, I edited my last post to add some stuff, so if you missed that check it out.
edited 1×, last 21.08.23 10:47:52 am

old Re: Global Human Unification

User Off Offline

@user ModJuicer: I apologize for the late response. Unfortunately, I don't have time to explain everything in detail, because I am engaged in my own project, part of the implementation of the Venus project.

I have read the questions, most of the answers to the question you can find on the official website or channel youtube.

If you have specific questions about the Venus Project, then ask, please refer to exactly what is said from official sources, and not speculation and guesswork.

old Re: Global Human Unification

Super User Off Offline

user JonyFrosta You are involved with the project. Cool! That does make things interesting...

Fine. I do admit communicating on forums is a valid political strategy . Also, did you know my own idea actually started on this forum itself? It's where I first posted my ideas and got feedback, because I was familiar with posting here (I have a mod that I made for Stranded II, so I was more familiar with this place.). In fact, you can see how my first system took shape in my mind over time, from the first post to the last, in the thread I had posted: thread offtopic New Economic System. Consider unrealsoftware the birthplace of my intellectual endeavors, in that regard.

And, cool! You guys have a YouTube channel. That is an important part of public relations, I do admit.

However, I did find the website a bit... clunky. The navigation, and such like that. It feels like there lacks an easy way to really get a main idea or feel of what the project is. It feels like it is not really very... cohesive. At least from reading the website. Perhaps it is more so in different sources, but from the website it felt like it was hard to get a good idea of what it was. Hence, speculation and guesswork being required to even get a picture of what the thing even is... however, yes, I will try to use official sources in the future.

Also, perhaps the main reason I see lack in the Venus Project is due to my own efforts on very similar matters. It is not so much me saying it us unviable: it very much appears viable to me. It is me saying that it is not optimal. And also that there are flaws that should be acknowledged. For example: the project basically acts as if politics won't exist (from my perspective). It is very much technocracy-centric (not bad in moderation). This would be very much a problem if there was a sudden rude awakening brought forth by angry citizens. There should be something to make citizens feel in charge of things or they may decide to do so themselves - violently. Capitalism learned this the hard way with unions (they are kinda still going through that process right now ).

Now, I think I should point out that: yes, I know things will evolve and improve as things progress. Major failures or inadequacies are probably going to get ironed out over time. It's also important to note that it's still better than Capitalism regardless because screw Capitalism.

Will note that there were some concepts that were useless/impractical/unnecessary/distracting (I have an eye for pointing out this kinda stuff through my own filtering process for my own ideas) so I will discuss that and other things in other places. Also, not trying to turn people off the the idea of the venus project or discredit you guys: I support it regardless, because it takes a lot of effort and determination to progress as far as this project has, and also, as mentioned, things will probably be ironed out over time.

Anyway, ttfn mate, check out the thread I linked to perhaps, and have a good day.

old Re: Global Human Unification

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@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: it doesn't matter if you want it or not, it's coming already.

By the way, the mainstream movement of the Venus Project has deviated from its vector of development toward pseudoscience. They believe that the apocalypse of mankind is imminent, and they are preparing for it in a Noah's Ark type of way. So I'm against that vision of The Venus Project. In any case, what Jacques Fresco was talking about is inevitable, it's already begun, and it's not going to end just.
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